Foot mounted, plate mounted, clamp mounted or panel mounted 120 Vac Transformer with Metal end bells
heat only 750 mV applications
Foot mounted 120/208/240 Vac Transformer with 9 in. lead wires and metal end bells
20K ohm NTC Operating range -40-158F
5-2 Day Separate Weekday/Weekend Programming
Mercury Free, Heat, Low Volt
Heat Only Thermostat Mercury Free
Honeywell TH5110D1006 Premier White® Heating & Cooling Thermostat
Q3400A1024 Honeywell 30" Igniter Flame Rod Assembly
Honeywell’s FocusPRO® 5000
Honeywell TH6110D1021 conventional and heat pump programmable thermostat
Replaces Honeywell ST9120, ST9101, ST9141, and ST9160 models.
Programmable, 1H/1C, Touchscreen Thermostat
Allows remote access to the thermostat through a computer, tablet, or smart phone.