SpacePak Solstice® Inverter Heat Pumps
Solstice® Dual/Single Zone Hydronic Heating/AC Module Inverter Series Air-to-Water Heat Pumps
• Reliable Mitsubishi Inverter Compressor • User Friendly Wired Touch Screen Control (24ga shielded 5 wire. Can be remote mounted up to 600ft) • Mono-Block Design (No On-Site Refrigerant Charging) • Lo Ambient Cooling and Freeze Protection • Low Amp Draw w/Ultra Quiet Operation
 Product Data Sheet Installation Manual
Monobloc Air-to-Water BtuH Cooling: 34,121 BtuH
Heating: 39,240
BtuH Cooling: 40,000
BtuH Heating: 66,480
Monobloc Air-to-Water BtuH Cooling: 49,476 BtuH
Heating: 56,300