Home > TracPipe CounterStrike Flexible Gas Piping
TracPipe CounterStrike Flexible Gas Piping
Four Decades of Performance Since 1975, OmegaFlex® has led the piping industry with its high-quality construction and commitment to exceed the industry’s product and safety standards.
• With over 200 patents and counting, the Company’s philosophy is not to wait for mandates, but to lead the industry by introducing the best products. • In 1999, OmegaFlex was the first CSST manufacturer to mandate the bonding of its yellow-jacketed TracPipe® in its installation guide. • In 2004, the Company developed CounterStrike®, which contains all of the innovative features of TracPipe® plus a built-in solution to lightning damage that eliminates the need for additional bonding. • In 2011, OmegaFlex became the only CSST manufacturer to transition from its highly successful yellow CSST product “TracPipe®” and now only sells its innovative black-jacket product “CounterStrike®” throughout the US market. • In 2012, OmegaFlex is a sponsor of NSF-UC San Diego’s earthquake testing program. The flexibility of CounterStrike® withstood the worst seismic activity simulated without any failures, leaks or damage. Meanwhile black iron pipe, which was installed next to CounterStrike®, fractured in the same test. • In 2014, OmegaFlex introduced the AutoSnap® fitting for CounterStrike® that is so easy to use you can even keep your gloves on, just twist, snap, tighten and you’re done!
CounterStrike® is also :
• Listed by both CSA and ICC Evaluation-Services-PMG 1058 and evaluated by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) ER 0227 for lightning resistance without additional bonding (unless required by local codes). • Compliant with fuel gas codes in all 50 states. • Compliant with all model codes, including all the National Fuel Gas Code (NFPA), International Fuel Gas Code and International Residential Code (ICC), and the Uniform Plumbing Code (IAPMO). • Listed to the national consensus standard for CSST (ANSI LC 1-2016) including all requirements for arc-resistant conductive jackets. • Underwriters Laboratories (UL) listed for 1, 2 and 4 hour through penetration fire stop systems without removal of the conductive jacket.
The Lightning Problem is Solved! After ten years, over 125 million feet have been installed in homes across America, making CounterStrike® CSST the only field-proven product in its class!
• CounterStrike® has been shown to be up to 400 times more resistant to the damaging effects of electrical arcing energy than yellow CSST. • Uses the NEW AutoSnap® fittings that do not require disassembly/ reassembly! • The most complete range of CSST sizes (3/8”- 2”) available. • There are no additional bonding requirements for CounterStrike® imposed by the manufacturer’s installation instructions. • Lays straighter and pulls easier, dramatically decreasing installation times (and saving you time and money in the process). • Unlike competitive brands, CounterStrike® is non-annealed making it more crush resistant, and easier to cut.
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