The very first Great Basin™ grease interceptor was installed in 2006, forging a new category in the world of grease interceptors. Prior to 2006, it was undersized steel grease traps inside of the building and oversized concrete grease interceptors outside of the building. These products off ered litt le-to-no information in the way of performance. Worse, due to inferior materials and the corrosiveness of commercial kitchen wastewater, all of these units are guaranteed to fail.
The Great Basin™ was designed to off er bett er performance and bett er pump-out information along with the only lifetime warranty in the industry. With 40,000 installations from San Francisco to Singapore, Schier has a growing fl eet of corporate account specifi cations, installations at over 15 professional sports stadiums, thousands of restaurants, schools, corporate campuses, One World Trade Center and (we’ve been told) the White House.

Price: Please Call for Best Pricing
20 or 25 GPM interceptor can be set on the floor or buried Comes ready to connect to 2" or 3" pipe.
Price: Please Call for Best Pricing
20 GPM fl ow rate / 2" inlet/outlet
109 lbs. grease capacity
15 GPM flow rate w/ 2" inlet/outlet
74 lbs. grease capacity
Price: Discontinued - See GB1
25 GPM flow rate / 3" inlet/outlet
75 lbs. grease capacity
Price: Please Call for Best Pricing
35 or 50 GPM interceptor can be set on the floor or buried Comes ready to connect to 2" or 3" pipe.
Price: Please Call for Best Pricing
35 GPM fl ow rate
142 lbs. grease capacity
Price: Please Call for Best Pricing
50 GPM fl ow rate
249 lbs. grease capacity
Price: Please Call for Best Pricing
50 or 75 GPM interceptor can be set on the floor or buried Comes ready to connect to 2" or 3" pipe.
Price: Please Call for Best Pricing
Flow Rate/Grease Capacity
75 GPM (4.7 L/s) / 861 lbs (390.5 kg)
Price: Please Call for Best Pricing
100 GPM fl ow rate w/ 4" inlet/outlet
1,076 lbs. grease capacity
Price: Please Call for Best Pricing
100 GPM flow rate 10,061 lbs. grease capacity
Price: Please Call for Best Pricing
100 GPM flow rate 10,061 lbs. grease capacity
Price: Please Call for Best Pricing
For Great Basin models GB1, GB2, GB3 Max 24"
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