Robertshaw 780-845 Universal Spark Ignition Module
Item Number: 60548
Manufacturer Name: Robertshaw
Manufacturer Part No: 780-845
Robertshaw 780-845 Universal Spark Ignition Module
- Input Voltage: 24 VAC to 50/60 Hz
- Transformer: 24 VAC / 20 VA
- Safety lockout timing: 90 seconds
- Spark rate: 4 to 15 sparks per second
- Pilot valve, Main valve: 1 amp at .5 PF
- Combined load: 1.5 at .4 PF
- Flame sense current: .7 mA DC @ 25°C / 24 VAC
- Maximum total current load: 1.5 amp
- Flame failure reignition time: 2 seconds maximum
- Ambient temperature rating: 40 to 175° (?40 to 80°C)
- Relative humidity: 95% noncondensing at 104°F
- Factory Model # SP845 (SP 845) 100-00834-41
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