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Grundfos 91136646 TPE 100-160/2 S-A-G-A-BUBE-IBB Circulator Pump

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Price: $4,906.05
Item Number: 91136646
Manufacturer Name: Grundfos
Manufacturer Part No: TPE 100-160/2

Brochure & Specifications

Single-stage in-line pumps with frequency converters, differential pressure sensor and temperature sensor

The pump is of the top-pull-out design, i.e. the power head (motor, pump head and impeller) can be removed for maintenance or service while the pump housing remains in the pipework. The pump is fitted with an unbalanced rubber bellows seal. The shaft seal is according to EN 12756. Pipework connection is via Class 125 ANSI flanges. The pump is fitted with a fan-cooled asynchronous motor. The motor includes a frequency converter and PI controller in the motor terminal box. This enables continuously variable control of the motor speed, which again enables adaptation of the performance to a given requirement. The pump is fitted with a differential pressure sensor.


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