Heavy-Duty gas models meet or exceed current ASHRAE standards for
efficiency and stand-by loss. Heavy-Duty gas models are designed and
certified to ANSI Z21.10.3 and are independently tested by CSA and/or
UL. Sanitation approval is certified by UL. All ASME models are
tested and certified by National Board authorized representative
on-site at Rheem's own facility. Low NOx models are available for California
and Texas. Heavy-Duty gas models meet all federal and state
requirements and are listed as required in many state and local
plumbing codes.
Light-Duty gas models meet or exceed current
ASHRAE standards for efficiency and stand-by loss. Light-Duty gas
models are designed and certified to ANSI Z21.10.1 and are independently
tested by CSA. Low NOx models are available for California and Texas.
 AdvantagePlus™ are designed to give customers maximum savings on operation, space, & operation.
 Rheem Medium Duty Gas Water Heaters are typically applied in small restaurants, apartments, etc.
 Energy Star Rated Up To 96% Efficiency Integrated WiFi w/ LeakSense 3-5 Year Limited Warranty
 Universal™ Gas Commercial Water Heaters are designed for easy replacement and versatile installation
 Xtreme™ High-Input Gas Commercial Water Heaters
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